How to Wear Boots with Denim Jeans

How to Wear Boots with Denim Jeans

One of the benefits of wearing denim jeans instead of other pants is the simple fact that they can be worn with a variety of different types of footwear. When you’re running errands around town, you can wear them with a pair of comfortable sneakers or tennis shoes. If you’re going out to dinner with friends, however, you may want to dress up your denim jeans by wearing boots. Boots are an excellent alternative to traditional sneakers and tennis shows. They are heavier, more durable and offer a greater level of aesthetics. With that said, there are a few things you should know when wearing boots with denim jeans.

Choose Boot-Cut Jeans

First and foremost, it’s recommended that you wear boot-cut jeans with boots. As the name suggests, boot-cut jeans are designed specifically for use with boots. They typically taper in the thighs and become wider around the ankles. The larger opening around the ankles allows the wearer to place the bottom of his or her jeans over the top of their boots. So, instead of allowing your jeans to become bunched up at the bottom, you can comfortable wear them with boots without experiencing this problem.

Go Dark

In addition to choosing boot-cut jeans, it’s also recommended that you wear a dark color denim. Denim jeans are available in dozens of different colors. Generally speaking, though, darker colors create a more formal appearance than lighter colors. And since boots offer a more formal appearance than sneakers or tennis shoes, it’s a good idea to compliment your outfit by wearing them with dark denim jeans. Indigo, for instance, is the perfect color to wear with boots. Indigo-colored jeans with a pair of stylish boots is guaranteed to enhance your appearance.

Consider Stretch

Stretch denim jeans have become a popular trend in recent years, and for good reason. Stretch denim is characterized by the use of traditional denim as well as an elastic material like polyester or spandex. Just a small amount of elastic material allows the denim jeans to stretch. Some men and women prefer wearing stretch denim jeans over traditional denim jeans with boots because of this very reason. The elastic nature of stretch denim creates a more comfortable fit. If you haven’t tried them before, you should pick up a pair of stretch denim jeans.

Contrast Your Top

Of course, you should also wear a different color top than your jeans. If your jeans are indigo blue, for instance, you shouldn’t wear a similar indigo-colored shirt or sweater. Doing so will create the impression of a one-piece suit — and that’s exactly what you should try to avoid. Instead, wear a top in a different, contrasting color than your jeans. A white top is a great choice for indigo jeans, as white contrasts with dark blue.


Choose Premium Denim Jeans

If you want to look your best when wearing boots with jeans (hint: you should), choose jeans that are made of high-quality, premium denim.  Unfortunately, not all jeans are made of the same quality denim. Some companies use cheap, low-quality denim to make their jeans, whereas others use premium denim. You can expect to pay more for the latter, but it’s actually a smart investment that pays off in the form of better, longer lasting jeans. A typical pair of cheap denim jeans may last for just a few months before wearing down. A pair of high-quality denim jeans, on the other hand, will last for years.

Check the Length

Don’t make the mistake of wearing short jeans with boots. If your jeans stop before your feet, it will look funny with boots. The exposed area of skin between the bottom of your jeans and the top of your boots will draw attention away from your outfit — and not in a good way. This problem is easily avoided, however, by wearing jeans in the correct size. With that said, finding the right size jeans isn’t always easy. You can scour countless different retail and department stores, only to walk away empty handed. An easier solution is to buy your jeans here at MakeYourOwnJeans. You tell us your size, and we’ll customize your jeans based on your measurements.

Clean Them… But Not Too Often

Cleaning your jeans will preserve their appearance and protect against damage. However, you shouldn’t go overboard with it, as washing your jeans too frequently can wear down and degrade the denim fabric. In fact, we’ve talked about this before, but it’s worth mentioning again that some of the leading figures in the denim industry rarely wash their jeans. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should never wash your jeans. It only means that you should wash them less frequently. Instead of washing your jeans every day, for instance, consider washing them once every other day (or once every other time you wear them). This will help to preserve and protect your jeans from damage, allowing you to get more use out of them.

Fold the Bottom

In the event that your jeans are too long, you may be able to wear them with boots by folding the bottom. Take a few inches of denim fabric at the bottom of your jeans and fold it up. You can either secure it in place with a clothes pin or simply tuck the folded fabric into the bottom of your boots. Either way, this is a simple and effective solution for dealing with long jeans.

Choose the Right Boots

Finally, make sure you wear the right boots with your jeans. There are a few things to consider when choosing boots to wear with jeans, one of which is the color. As previously mentioned, your boots shouldn’t be the same color as your jeans. They don’t have to necessarily contrast, but they should be a different color. Additionally, choose boots that are comfortable to wear; otherwise, you may find yourself changing into other shoes later in the day.

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