Slight Stretch Jeans: The Best of Both Worlds

It’s a common misconception that all jeans are made of the same fabric. Jeans, by definition, are denim trousers. While some of them are made of 100% denim, though, others are made of denim and an elastic fabric. Slight stretch jeans fall under this category. They are still made mostly of denim, but they feature an elastic fabric in their construction as well. With slight stretch jeans, you’ll essentially get the best of both worlds. What Are Slight Stretch Jeans? Slight stretch jeans are denim trousers that, as previously mentioned, are made of denim and an elastic fabric. You can find them in different cuts, such as boot cut, straight leg, skinny, high rise, low rise and relaxed. You can also find them in a variety of colors. Slight stretch jeans look like most other jeans. They are simply made of a combination of denim and an elastic fabric. Slight Stretch Jeans vs Standard Jeans The difference between slight stretch jeans and standard jeans lies in their construction. Standard jeans are made of 100% denim. Denim, of course, is a warp-faced cotton fabric that features the weft under at least two warp threads. When produced, denim has a twill weaving pattern that results in a diagonal ribbing. All denim is made of cotton. The way in which it’s woven makes it stronger and more durable than plain cotton. Slight stretch jeans are also made of denim. They are distinguished from standard jeans, though, by their use of an elastic fabric. Standard jeans are made entirely of denim, whereas slight stretch jeans are made of denim and an elastic fabric....

7 Denim Fashion Trends for 2022

Denim is a classic textile that’s used in many different garments. Most people, of course, associate denim with jeans. Jeans have been around for over a century, and during that time, they’ve become known as one of the world’s most popular types of trousers. With 2022 right around the corner, though, there are certain denim fashion trends that you should consider embracing. Below are the top seven denim fashion trends for 2022. #1) Pull-On Jeans You can expect to see more men and women wearing pull-on jeans in 2022. They are soft, comfortable and easy to wear. Pull-on jeans aren’t the same as traditional jeans. While traditional jeans have buttons and/or a zipper, pull-on jeans have a drawstring. There are no buttons or zippers on pull-on jeans. Instead, they feature a drawstring around the waistline. Pull-on jeans offer a superior level of comfort. They don’t have a rigid waistline. Rather, they have an elastic waistline that’s characterized by the use of a drawstring. With their elastic waistline, you can wear a pair of pull-on jeans by “pulling” them onto your body. #2) Raw Denim Jeans Raw denim jeans have become increasingly popular — a trend that will likely remain in 2022 and the years to come. All jeans are made of denim. Denim, however, can be classified as either washed or raw. Washed denim is exactly what it sounds like: denim that’s washed during the production process. Raw denim, on the other hand, isn’t washed. It’s spun from cotton, after which it’s immediately used in the construction of new jeans. Raw denim jeans tend to feature a darker color...

The Complete Guide to Brazilian Style Jeans

Jeans come in a variety of styles. While they are all made of denim — cotton with a warp facing — some of them look and fit differently than others. Brazilian jeans, for instance, stand out from all styles of jeans. They aren’t necessarily made in Brazil. Rather, Brazilian style jeans receive their namesake from their popularity in the South American country. Whether you live in Brazil, the United States, the United Kingdom or elsewhere, you may want to include a pair of Brazilian jeans in your wardrobe. What Are Brazilian Style Jeans Brazilian style jeans are form-fitting, low-rise jeans that contour to the natural shape of your body when worn. Like all jeans, they are made of denim. The use of denim is what distinguishes jeans from other types of trousers. Brazilian style jeans simply feature a low rise and a form-fitting construction. Brazilian Style Jeans vs Standard Jeans Unless you’ve worn them in the past, you might be wondering how Brazilian style jeans differ from standard jeans. After all, they are both made of denim, and they feature a similar appearance when viewed from afar. While they share some similarities, Brazilian style jeans aren’t the same as standard jeans. Standard jeans are available in a variety of different rises. Some of them have a low rise, whereas others have a mid or high rise. Brazilian style jeans, on the other hand, almost always have a low rise. A low rise means that they sit lower on your hips when worn. Brazilian style jeans are also form fitting. What does form fitting mean exactly? Brazilian jeans are form...

7 Facts About Stretch Jeans

Stretch jeans are a popular choice of trousers among men and women alike. Like all jeans, they are made of denim. Stretch jeans, however, live up to their namesake by featuring a more elastic construction than their counterparts. You can pull and stretch them without causing damage. While you may have seen or even worn a pair of stretch jeans in the past, there are probably some things you don’t know about them. Below are seven fun facts about stretch jeans. #1) Look Like Ordinary Jeans From an outsider’s perspective, stretch jeans look like ordinary jeans. You can find them in the same colors, and you can find them in the same styles as ordinary jeans. Blue is a popular color in which both types of jeans are made. You can find ordinary jeans and stretch jeans in blue-dyed denim, including light blue and indigo. You can also find both types of jeans in popular cuts like boot cut, skinny and straight leg. The difference between stretch jeans and ordinary jeans doesn’t lie in their appearance. Rather, it lies in their construction. Ordinary jeans are made exclusively of denim, whereas stretch jeans are made of denim an elastic material. #2) 15% More Elastic On Average Stretch jeans are about 15% more elastic than ordinary jeans on average. By itself, denim isn’t elastic. It’s a rigid material that’s comprised of cotton. Denim is still soft, but it offers little or no elasticity when used alone. Adding just a small amount of an elastic material to denim, though, changes its physical properties. The combination of denim and an elastic material creates...

Upgrade Your Jeans With an iPhone Coin Pocket

Do you own an iPhone? If so, you may want to choose a pair of jeans with an iPhone coin pocket. Apple’s signature handset has become increasingly popular. Statistics show that over 1.5 billion iPhones have been sold since 2007. Regardless of which model you own, an iPhone coin pocket will offer a safe and convenient place to store your iPhone. What is an iPhone coin pocket exactly, and why you should upgrade your jeans with it? What Is an iPhone Coin Pocket? An iPhone coin pocket is a small, secondary pocket that’s designed to hold an iPhone. They are found inside of a primary front pocket on a pair of jeans. An iPhone coin pocket is simply a smaller pocket that lives up to its namesake by supporting an iPhone. You can tuck your iPhone into an iPhone coin pocket rather than holding or otherwise carrying it in your hands. iPhone coin pockets are made of the same denim material as jeans. They are integrated directly into the front pockets of jeans. Standard Coin Pockets vs iPhone Coin Pockets Pockets are a common feature on nearly all types of jeans. Ever since they were invented more than a century ago, jeans have featured pockets. When inspecting a typical pair of jeans, you’ll usually find four main pockets — two on the front and two on the back. In addition to these four main pockets, though, most jeans have two smaller pockets, which are known as coin pockets. The coin pockets are found inside of the two main pockets on the front. They are also known as pocketwatch pockets....

The ABCs of Jeans: Glossary of Denim Terms

When shopping for jeans, you’ll probably encounter a myriad of terms. You can’t expect to choose the perfect jeans, of course, unless you understand what these terms mean. Different manufacturers use different specifications to describe their jeans. By familiarizing yourself with the following denim-related terms, you’ll have an easier time choosing the perfect jeans that match your personal style and preference. Rivets Regardless of the brand, most jeans are made with rivets. Rivets are button-like fasteners that are used to secure seams. You can usually find them around the pockets and the fly. Jeans still have buttons, but most of them have rivets as well. Rivets are designed to hold the seams together, resulting in longer-lasting jeans that are better protected from premature wear and tear. Preshrunk Some jeans are preshrunk. As the name suggests, preshrunk jeans are intentionally shrunk during production. Jeans are made of denim. When exposed to water for the first time, new denim will typically shrink. Therefore, some jeans are intentionally shrunk during production. Manufacturers submerge them in water so that they shrink. Doing so will then protect the jeans from future shrinkage. Preshrunk jeans have become increasingly common, and you can find them in dozens of different styles. Stretch Denim You may discover that some jeans are made of stretch denim. Stretch denim jeans look like most other types of jeans; they are even available in the same styles. Stretch denim, however, isn’t the same as traditional denim. Traditional denim is pure denim that’s made entirely of cotton. Stretch denim, on the other hand, is a hybrid material that consists primarily of denim with...

What Are Knee Joint Jeans?

Jeans have evolved since their origins in the late 19th century. They are still made of denim, and they are still available in classic colors like light blue and indigo. However, you can now find jeans in alternative styles, including knee joint. Knee joint jeans offer a modern take on this otherwise classic garment. If you’re looking tired of wearing the same jeans day after day, you may want to upgrade your wardrobe with a pair of knee joint jeans. The Basics of Knee Joint Jeans Available for sale here at MakeYourOwnJeans, knee joint jeans are characterized by the presence of joint at the knee. The joint is essentially a section of denim fabric that’s added to the knee. All knee joint jeans have this additional section of fabric. It creates a joint at the knee that allows for greater flexibility when moving and bending your legs. Knee Joint Jeans vs Traditional Jeans: What’s the Difference? Knee joint jeans may look like traditional, ordinary jeans. After all, they are made of denim — just like all jeans. Knee joint jeans, however, differ from traditional jeans thanks to their knee joint. Traditional jeans are typically made of a single and solid piece of denim that runs through the legs. They don’t have any added sections of fabric in the legs. Instead, traditional jeans consist of a single piece of denim that starts at the waistline and ends at the hem (the bottom of the pant legs). Knee joint jeans differ in the sense that they feature an added section of fabric. As previously mentioned, knee joint jeans have a panel...

The Dos and Don’ts of Choosing Stonewashed Jeans

Are you thinking about buying a new pair of stonewashed jeans? With their naturally distressed appearance, stonewashed jeans have become a popular alternative to traditional jeans. They are manufacturing using distressing techniques, such as scraping and stone blasting, to achieve a worn-in style. While all stonewashed jeans are distressed, though, some of them are different than others. Below is a beginner’s guide on how to choose the right pair of stonewashed jeans. Do Look for Whiskers You should look for whiskers when choosing stonewashed jeans. Whiskers are synonymous with nearly all styles of distressed jeans — and stonewashed jeans are no exception. Whiskers consist of patterns or marks of fading. When stonewashed, jeans will develop these whiskers in areas such as the thighs and knees. The presence of whiskers is a surefire way to distinguish between stonewashed and traditional jeans. Some of the most common types of whiskers for stonewashed jeans include the following: Honeycomb: consists of horizontal lines that resemble the shape of whiskersStacks: wide bands of fading that are typically found around the anklesTrain tracks: fading patterns around the seams that, as the name suggests, look like train tracks. Don’t Buy Used Avoid buying a used pair of stonewashed jeans. Instead, invest in a new pair. While some stores only sell new jeans, others sell used jeans as well. The problem with buying a pair of used jeans is that you really don’t know what to expect. Maybe the previous owner neglected his or her jeans, or perhaps the jeans are torn or damaged beyond the point of repair. Regardless, you’ll get more value out of new...

Jeans: The Perfect Gift for the Holidays

The holiday season is almost here. As we approach this joyful time of the year, you’ll probably want to buy gifts for your friends, family members and loved ones. Gift-giving is synonymous with the holiday season. It’s an age-old tradition that’s been practiced for well over a century. When buying gifts for the holiday season, though, you may want to choose jeans. Different people prefer different types of gifts. Nonetheless, there’s one gift that everyone is sure to appreciate: a pair of high-quality jeans. Everyone Loves Jeans Why are jeans the perfect gift for the holiday season? For starters, jeans are a practical gift that the recipient can actually use. Many people take the easy route during the holidays by choosing generic gifts that the recipient rarely or never uses. A better approach is to choose a practical gift — and no gift is more practical than a pair of high-quality jeans. Most people, of course, wear jeans in their daily outfits. Statistics show that the average person owns approximately seven pairs of jeans. Some people, in fact, own over a dozen pairs of jeans. Regardless of how many pairs of jeans the recipient already owns, he or she will almost certainly appreciate another pair of jeans. Everyone loves jeans. You can give the recipient a pair of jeans during the holiday season to make a lasting impact. Order Online Another reason to consider buying jeans as a holiday gift is that you can order them online. Retail stores will inevitably get crowded during the holiday season. And the closer we get to the end of the year, the...