Levi CEO Says Don’t Wash Your Jeans

Levi CEO Says Don’t Wash Your Jeans


When was the last time you washed your favorite pair of denim jeans? Some people wash them after each wear, while others never wash their jeans. So, how do the experts feel about this topic? According to Levi CEO Chip Bergh, jeans should seldom see the inside of a washing machine.

Burgh made this startling revelation while speaking at last year’s Fortune’s Brainstorm Green conference in Laguna Niguel, California. Rather than tossing your denim jeans in the washing machine, he suggests spot cleaning them a toothbrush and small amount of detergent — assuming they are visibly dirty. “I know that sounds totally disgusting. If you treat them right, they’ll last a long, long time — probably longer than most people’s waistline,” said Burgh.

If you want to put Burgh’s words to the test, pour a small amount of liquid detergent on the end of an old toothbrush and use it to scrub away any dirt or stains on your jeans. After rubbing the stain for a while, go back over it with a damp washcloth to remove any excess detergent. Lastly, hang the jeans on your bathroom shower curtain rod to air-dry. As long as the stain is fresh and not set in, this should do the trick.

Placing your jeans in the washing machine once or twice probably isn’t going to cause any damage, nor will it degrade the quality of your jeans. However, you have to remember that each time you wash your jeans it causes damage to the denim fabric. It’s not a lot, but over time this will add up and take a toll on your jeans. You can reduce the risk of damage to your jeans, however, by choosing the “gentle” setting on your washing machine — or you can heed the advice of Chip Bergh and spot clean your jeans instead.

Of course, Burgh isn’t the only big name in fashion to speak out against machine washing denim. Fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger and CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper have made similar revelations in the past.

Do you wash your jeans? Let us know in the comments section below!

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