Want To Distress Your Jeans? Here’s How.

Want To Distress Your Jeans? Here’s How.


There’s nothing that compares to the aged, worn-in look of a pair of distressed jeans. They have a certain unique style that’s simply not found in other types of jeans. Perhaps this is why they’ve remained a hot fashion trend for decades now. Whatever the reason, you can rest assured knowing that distressed jeans are an excellent choice of pants. The only problem, however, is trying to create them from a pair of traditional jeans. If you are interested in creating your own, keep reading for a step-by-step walkthrough on how to accomplish this.

Before we start, you’ll first need to pick up a few basic supplies. In addition to pair of blue jeans, you’ll also need a razor blade, bleach, a cheese grater (yes, the kind that’s used in the kitchen), and a spray bottle. The good news is that most of these items can be purchased for about $10 bucks total, which is a small price to pay for the ability to create your own distressed jeans.

Now that you have all of the necessary items, it’s time to get to work. Personally, I enjoy the faded appearance of distressed jeans, as this is just one more element that gives them more personality. If you want to fade your jeans, fill up a spray bottle with half bleach and half water and start spraying parts of your jeans. This should result in a faded ara that’s lighter than the rest. It’s important to not, however, that you shouldn’t spray down all of your jeans, but instead just blot it around.

It should go without saying that you’ll want to bleach your jeans outside where there’s no chance of accidentally spilling the solution on carpet or your “good” clothes. Bleach is some powerful stuff, and it can easily ruin carpet or fabric. For this reason, it’s recommended that you only use bleach outside to avoid any potential mishaps.

Once your jeans are distressed, use the razor blade and cheese grater to cut some holes into them. Focus primarily on the knee caps and bottoms of the jeans to achieve an authentic distressed look. Remember, you don’t want huge open holes, but instead small slits (as seen in the image to the right). Carefully slice the jeans with your razor blade until you’ve successfully achieved this look, and then you can finish it off by going over it with the cheese grater. Congratulations, you’ve just created your own distressed jeans

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