Ways To Wear White Jeans

Ways To Wear White Jeans

How many different colors of denim jeans do you own? While traditional navy blue is the most common color for jeans, there are literally dozens of others available, including white. It may sound a little unusual, but white jeans are surprisingly stylish and fun to wear, making them a popular choice among fashionistas who want to set themselves apart from others. But how are you supposed to wear a pair of white jeans?

Keep ‘Em Clean

Let me first start off by stressing the importance of keeping white jeans clean. One of the perks of wearing navy-colored jeans is their natural ability to hide stains. Unfortunately, this same benefit isn’t offered in white jeans. If you spill your morning coffee in your lap, chances are it will leave a large and noticeable stain, which is something no wants to discover when getting ready for work in the morning. Use caution when eating and drinking to avoid accidentally spilling anything on your white jeans.

Don’t Wear White Shoes

If you’re going to wear white jeans, try to avoid wearing white shoes. There’s nothing wrong with white jeans, nor is there anything wrong with white shoes, but they shouldn’t be worn together. If you wear them both, your shoes will simply blend into your jeans — and not in a good way. A smarter approach is to choose footwear in a color that contrasts to the color of your jeans. Red, for instance, is an excellent choice that will draw attention to your outfit will really popping against your white jeans. Another footwear color that’s a great choice is dark navy, as it also pops against white.

Shirt Ideas

There are dozens of different types and styles of shirts you can wear with white jeans, ranging from traditional graphic tees to chic blouses. The key thing to remember when choosing a top is that you want it to contrast, rather than directly match, the white of your jeans. In other words, don’t wear a white shirt (or any off-white for that matter) if you’re going to wear white jeans. You need to wear a bold color that contrasts against the white to create a visually appealing look. Following this simple rule when choosing your clothes will make a world of difference.

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