The Ultimate Shopping Guide for Denim Shirts

The Ultimate Shopping Guide for Denim Shirts

Denim has become synonymous with jeans. For over a century, it’s been the primary material in which men’s and women’s jeans are made. But denim is now used in the construction of other articles of clothing, such as shirts.

Denim shirts offer a comfortable, stylish alternative to traditional shirts. As their name suggests, they are made of denim. Denim is a type of durable warp-faced textile consisting of cotton. It’s made by passing the weft thread under two or more warp threads. Using this weaving pattern, denim has diagonal ribbing that sets it apart from other common textiles. How do you choose a denim shirt exactly?

Short Sleeve vs Long Sleeve

When shopping for a denim shirt, one of the decisions you’ll have to make is whether you want a short-sleeve or long-sleeve style. Both styles are made of denim. Short-sleeve denim shirts simply have short sleeves, whereas long-sleeve denim shirts have long sleeves.

Short-sleeve denim shirts are ideal for the warmer months of the year. If you’re looking for a new denim shirt to wear during the spring and summer, you may want to go with a short-sleeve style. It will leave your arms exposed to the surrounding air, thereby keeping you cooler and more comfortable even when it’s hot outside. If you’re looking for a new denim shirt to wear during the fall and winter, on the other hand, you may want to go with a long-sleeve style. Long-sleeve style denim shirts completely cover the arms when worn, resulting in better protection against the cold weather.

Choose a Versatile Color

You should choose a denim shirt in a versatile color. Versatile colors are those that match — or at least flow cohesively — with most other colors. Some colors are restrictive and can only be worn with a few other colors. Versatile colors are the opposite. You don’t have to worry about them clashing with other colors. If a color is versatile, you can wear it in conjunction with most other colors.

Denim shirts are available in versatile colors. Blue is by far the most popular color in which they are made. Whether light blue or indigo, blue is a versatile color. By choosing a blue denim shirt, you’ll be able to wear it in most of your daily outfits.

In addition to blue, black is a versatile color in which denim shirts are made. Black denim shirts offer a sleek, modern appearance. It’s made of the same durable warp-faced textile consisting of cotton; the difference is that it’s dyed black.

Look for Pre-Washed

To minimize the risk of shrinkage and fading, you may want to choose a pre-washed denim shirt. Whether they are made of denim, plain cotton or any other material, all pre-washed shirts have been washed during production. They undergo a washing process, during which they are submerged in water for a period of time.

Pre-washed denim shirts offer several advantages. When washed during production, denim will release some of its excess and loose dye. At the same time, it will shrink. These effects help to protect denim shirts from future shrinkage and fading.

Check for Pockets

Don’t forget to check for pockets when shopping for a denim shirt. Pockets aren’t limited to jeans and trousers. You can find pockets on various shirts as well, including denim shirts.

Some denim shirts feature flap pockets. Flap pockets are characterized by a pull-open top. You can open them by pulling a “flap” at the top of the pockets. Aside from offering a convenient space to store small items, flap pockets such as these add a unique visual element to denim shirts. With flap pockets, denim shirts offer a more traditional appearance that distinguishes them from other, standard denim shirts without any flap pockets.

Consider the Weight

You should consider the weight when choosing a denim shirt. All denim shirts are made of denim. But some of them are made with thicker, heavier denim than others. You can refer to the weight of a denim shirt to gain a better understanding of its textile weight.

There are 7-ounce denim shirts available. They are made of 7 ounces of pure denim. Other denim shirts are made of 10 ounces of denim. The heavier the textile weight, of course, the thicker and heavier the denim shirt will be. Most men and women prefer lightweight denim shirts consisting of 7 ounces of denim.

Opt for Metal Buttons

Rather than choosing a denim shirt with plastic buttons, opt for metal buttons. Although there are exceptions, nearly all denim shirts have buttons on the front. While some of them have plastic buttons, though, others have metal buttons.

Why should you choose a denim shirt with metal buttons exactly? It’s a sign of quality craftsmanship. Denim shirts with metal buttons are typically better made than their counterparts with plastic buttons. Metal buttons are also less likely to break. It’s not uncommon for plastic buttons to crack. Even if you’re careful when wearing it, you may accidentally crack a plastic button on your shirt. By choosing a denim shirt with metal buttons, this isn’t a concern. Metal buttons are strong and long-lasting.

Get the Right Size

One of the most important things to consider when shopping for a denim shirt is the size. You probably won’t wear it very often if it’s too big or too small for your body. Denim shirts in the wrong size aren’t very comfortable, nor are they flattering. To avoid problems such as these, you can choose a custom-sized denim shirt.

Custom-sized denim shirts are made using your own measurements. You can order them here at MakeYourOwnJeans. They involve the use of custom measurements. You’ll have to enter your body measurements when ordering a custom-sized denim shirt. After receiving your order, we’ll use these measurements to design a custom-sized denim shirt that fits your body perfectly.

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