Why Jeans Are the Preferred Style of Pants

Why Jeans Are the Preferred Style of Pants

What’s your favorite type of pants to wear? If you answered “jeans,” you aren’t alone. According to a survey conducted by ShopSmart, the average woman owns seven pairs of jeans, while one in 10 women owns at least 10 pairs of jeans. As a result, jeans are the world’s most popular type of pants. They are worn by both men and women, young and old. And while there are countless other types of pants available on the market, jeans are preferred because of their unique characteristics and qualities. In this blog post, we’re going to take a closer look at this classic garment, revealing why so many people wear them instead of other pants.

Low Maintenance

One reason why so many people prefer wearing jeans over other pants is because they require little to no maintenance. Assuming they are made of genuine denim — which most jeans are — the only maintenance required is the occasional cleaning. Even then, you won’t have to invest much time or energy into caring for jeans. Every so often, wash your jeans with water and laundry detergent to clean and remove stains. Performing this otherwise basic form of maintenance will keep your jeans looking like new long after you purchase them.

Classic Style

Jeans offer a timeless, classic style that’s not found in other types of pants. While most garments come and go, jeans have been around for over a century — and there’s no sign of them fading from mainstream popularity anytime soon. The world’s first pair of denim jeans were invented by Jacob W. Davis, along with Levi Strauss, back in the early 1870s. Since then, the demand for jeans has only increased, with more and more people seeking to buy and wear them. If you’re looking for a classic style of pants, you can’t go wrong with denim jeans for this very reason.

Pockets, Pockets and Pockets!

Jeans offer plenty of pockets in which store your small belongings. Although there’s no universal pocket specification for denim jeans, most jeans have at least four pockets. You’ll find two pockets in the front, as well as two pockets in the back. With that said, means jeans feature two additional pockets within the front pockets. Known as “watch pockets,” they were originally designed for storing pocket watches. Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, people would often carry pocket watches on them. Denim manufacturers acknowledged this trend by constructing small watch pockets inside the front pockets of their trends. And while few people carry pocket watches today, manufacturers continue to construct jeans with these same classic watch pockets.


Jeans are perhaps the most durable style of pants on the market. There are a few reasons for their unparalleled durability, one of which is their denim construction. Denim is actually cotton, but it’s manufactured and processed in a way that creates a superior level of strength and durability to traditional cotton. As a result, denim garments like jeans and jackets are less likely to degrade and break down as garments made of other fabrics. Furthermore, reputable denim manufacturers construct jeans with rivets in key areas to make them even stronger.


Look Better With Age

No, that’s not a typo. Most people will agree that jeans look better with age. Over time, jeans will fade to a slightly lighter tone that many people prefer to the original color of denim. If you currently own a pair of indigo-colored jeans, for example, you may discover that they’ve faded to a light blue color after a few months (or longer). And in the event you prefer the original color of your jeans, there are ways to preserve their color. Washing jeans with 1 or 2 cups of distilled white vinegar will “set” the dye so that your jeans are less likely to fade. Furthermore, vinegar is a natural deodorizer that leaves your jeans smelling nice and fresh.


Don’t get me wrong — not all jeans offer the same level of comfort. If you buy a pair of low-quality jeans made from a no-name brand, you may find that they are uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time. The good news, however, is that most high-quality jeans made by a reputable brand or manufacturer are designed with an emphasis on comfort. They are soft yet durable, offering a unique combination that you won’t find in other pants. This is just one more reason why jeans are the preferred choice of pants among millions of men and women.

Dozens of Styles Available

Regardless of your personal style, there’s probably a pair of jeans out there with your metaphorical name on them. You can find jeans in basic styles, such as “original” or “relaxed” fit. However, you can also find them in low-rise, high-rise, skinny, straight-leg and many other styles. Rather than choosing the first pair of jeans that you come across when shopping, take your time to find the perfect pair that matches your personal style. With a little digging, you’ll find the perfect pair of jeans.

You Can Change Their Color

Did you know that you can change the color of your jeans? If you ever get tired of wearing the same indigo or light blue jeans, consider dyeing them a new color. It’s a quick and easy way to change the appearance of your jeans without replacing them with a new pair. Just place your jeans in the washing machine or bathtub, fill it with water, add your dye, and let them soak for at least a half-hour. When finished, your jeans will feature a new color.

Custom Sizes Available

Finally, many people prefer wearing jeans over other types of pants because they are available in custom sizes. Here at MakeYourOwnJeans, we allow shoppers to specify their own body measurements. You tell us your body measurements, and we’ll use those measurements to create a custom pair of jeans that fits just right.

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