Denim Fashion Trends You Need to Follow

Denim Fashion Trends You Need to Follow

Who says denim has faded from the limelight? Whether you’re a man, women, young or old, you really can’t go wrong with this versatile textile. Denim has been around for over a century, and since then, it’s only become more popular. Today, it’s one of the world’s most popular textiles, with the average person owning nearly a half-dozen denim garments. There’s a good reason why denim is such a popular textile. It’s soft, comfortable, strong, durable and looks great no matter how it’s worn. If you want to take advantage of these benefits, though, you should choose the right denim garments for your wardrobe.  Contrary to popular believe, jeans aren’t the only garment made of denim. While there are dozens if not hundreds of different denim jeans available for sale, there are countless other garments made of this textile as well. So, consider the following denim fashion trends to enhance your appearance. Denim Shirt No, that’s not a typo. There are now denim shirts that bring the same high-quality aesthetics found in jeans to men’s and women’s shirts. The Custom Denim Shirt sold here at MakeYourOwnJeans, for instance, features 100% pure cotton denim with metal buttons for fastening and two front flap pockets. It’s a simple yet stunning design that’s guaranteed to leave a lasting impression. And this is just one of many denim shirts available for sale. Feel free to explore some of the other denim shirts to find the one that best suits your needs. Custom-Sized Jeans More and more people are investing in custom-sized jeans. It’s frustrating when you finally find a pair of jeans that...
9 Fashion Tips to Follow When Wearing a Denim Jacket

9 Fashion Tips to Follow When Wearing a Denim Jacket

A denim jacket is the perfect choice of outerwear for men and women alike. It’s light enough so that you can wear it year-round, and it offers the same high level of comfort and style as denim jeans. Regardless of the occasion, you can’t go wrong with a denim jacket for these reasons. However, there are a few fashion tips you should follow when wearing one. By following the fashion tips listed here, you’ll create a cleaner and more cohesive appearance that takes full advantage of your denim jacket. #1) Choose Real Denim When choosing a denim jacket, make sure it’s made of real, genuine denim. Some companies use cheap alternative materials to make their jackets, resulting in an inferior appearance. You can expect to pay more for a jacket made of genuine denim, but it’s well worth the investment in the long run. Genuine denim jackets are stronger, more durable and look better than their counterparts made of alternative materials. #2) Contrast With Your Jeans There’s nothing wrong with wearing jeans with a denim jacket, but you should choose colors that contrast with one another. If your denim jacket features a dark indigo color, for instance, your should wear jeans with a light blue color. If your jeans feature the same exact color as your jacket, it will create the appearance of a one-piece suit — and that’s never a flattering look. By choosing contrasting colors, however, you’ll create a more stylish appearance that compliments your body. #3) Leave the Front Open Whether your denim jacket features button or a zipper on the front, it’s a good idea...
9 Things to Consider When Choosing a Denim Jacket

9 Things to Consider When Choosing a Denim Jacket

If you’re looking for the perfect year-round coat that’s both stylish and comfortable, you should consider investing in a denim jacket. Made from the same high-quality denim materials found in jeans, it’s the perfect choice for men and women of all ages. However, there are many different types of denim jackets on the market, and it’s important to choose the right one. To make the process a little easier, we’ve compiled a list of eight essential things to consider when choosing a denim jacket. #1) Selvedge or Traditional When choosing a denim jacket, consider its construction. Most denim jackets are made of traditional denim with a sturdy cotton. However, some are made of selvedge denim, which is a higher quality type of denim that’s commonly associated with premium jeans and other denim garments. You can expect to pay more for a selvedge denim jacket, but many people will agree that it’s well worth the investment. Either way, you should check the jacket’s construction to determine which type of denim it’s made of. #2) Color Like most jackets and coats on the market, denim jackets are available in a wide variety of colors. The two most popular colors in which denim jackets are made are dark blue, also known as indigo, and light blue. You really can’t go wrong with either of these colors, as they are easy to match with our garments and accessories. If you want to differentiate yourself from the crowd, though, consider an alternative color. Who knows, you may discover a new color that compliments your favorite outfit even better than light blue or indigo. #3)...
8 Awesome Denim Trends That You Need to Watch

8 Awesome Denim Trends That You Need to Watch

Denim remains one of the world’s most versatile textiles, with companies using it to produce a variety of garments like jeans, jackets, skirts and more. With its durable, strong, comfortable and resilient properties, it’s the perfect textile for use in clothing and accessories. You can take advantage of denim by diversifying your wardrobe with a variety of denim garments. While there’s no substitution for a high-quality pair of denim jeans, you should consider the following denim trends, as they’ll allow you to create a stylish, super comfortable look that’s guaranteed to turn heads and attract compliments. #1) Stretch Jeans One all-too-common denim trend that’s gaining mainstream popularity is stretch jeans. We’ve mentioned them before on our site, but basically stretch jeans live up to their namesake by featuring an elastic material that can stretch without breaking. They are still made with traditional denim, but a small amount of elastic material like spandex or polyester is added as well. Just 5% or 10% of elastic material provides significant stretching capacity. Because of this, stretch jeans are often preferred over 100% denim jeans. Whether you’re a man, woman, young or old, you can’t go wrong with a pair of high-quality stretch jeans. #2) Acid-Washed Jeans If you’re really looking to differentiate yourself from the crowd, consider investing in a pair of acid-washed denim jeans. Also known as stone-washed jeans, acid-washed jeans are characterized by a unique production method that involves soaking and treating the denim material with chemicals like acryl resin, potassium permangante, acids, caustic soda and more. The general idea is to mimic the appearance of aged, worn-in jeans through...
Why Everyone Needs to Own a Denim Jacket

Why Everyone Needs to Own a Denim Jacket

If you’re looking to buy a new jacket, you should consider going with denim. While most high-quality coats and jackets will offer some level of protection from the warmth and elements, denim jackets are particularly useful. To learn more about denim jackets and why they everyone should own one, keep reading. Classic Style First and foremost, denim jackets offer a timeless, classic style. According to Wikipedia, the world’s first denim jacket was produced in the late 1800s,  during which a man by the name of Levi Strauss created a jacket using the same material he used to make jeans. Back then, denim jackets were marketed to cowboys, miners and gold prospectors. Today, however, they are marketed to just about everyone. Even after all these years, the basic style of denim jackets remains the same, giving you peace of mind knowing that it won’t fade from popularity anytime soon. Worn By Celebrities Want to dress like a celebrity but don’t know where to start? Well, investing in a denim jacket can help you achieve this look. Countless celebrities wear denim jackets on a regular basis. Musicians like James Dean and John Lennon, for instance, were known for their unique style featuring denim jackets. You’ll also see famous actors and actresses wearing this classic style of outerwear in movies and TV shows. So, the next time you’re watching a movie or TV show, pay attention to what the actors or actresses are wearing. You might be surprised to learn just how popular denim jackets are among movie stars. Easy to Match Assuming you choose a traditional denim jacket featuring a light...
Denim Terms That You Need to Know

Denim Terms That You Need to Know

When shopping for jeans or other denim products, you may come across some unfamiliar terms. Unfortunately, this can make finding the right denim apparel difficult. If you aren’t familiar with the terms, how can you choose the right product for your needs? Well, we’re going to explore some of the most common denim terms, revealing what they mean and why they are important. Selvedge Denim Some premium jeans are often marketed as being made of “selvedge denim.” Contrary to popular believe, selvedge denim isn’t a different type of denim. Rather, it’s characterized by the appearance of finished edges from the loom, usually featured at the bottom of the jeans. When inspecting a pair of selvedge denim jeans, for instance, you’ll probably discover a different color around the ankles. Even if the rest of the jeans are indigo, the bottom few inches of the denim may feature a white color. This contrasting black-on-white color scheme creates a stunning appearance that’s guaranteed to turn heads. Rise Denim jeans are typically sold as either low-, mid- or high-rise. The “rise” of jeans refers to the position at which it sits on the waist. Low-rise jeans, for instance, sit low or below the waist. According to Wikipedia, most low-rise jeans sit about 8 centimeters below the naval. In comparison, mid-rise jeans sit right at the waist, offering a balanced medium between low- and high-rise denim. And high-rise jeans sit significantly higher on the waist than both low and mid rise. Dry Denim The term “dry denim” shouldn’t be taken literally. Dry denim actually refers to a special type of denim that hasn’t been...